Bjoern Brundert || reported - is there any plan to allow me to quickly switch between accounts (part of the same family subscription) in my mobile app? I don’t want to sign out and sign in every time I bring up a song for the kids….I hope you can fix this issue as soon as possible! Thank u🙏🏻 Please remove the song called “Happy Birthday Mamma” from his discography since it’s not his work. Hi noticed there's a problem with j-hope’s spotify account. Why change something that’s good already? Home and other place redesign is also horrible. reported 20 hours #SpotifyUpdate The new today is terrible, please get back to old UI, I miss one click like and looking at liked songs instantly in albums.I read online that other people have this issue too. Hope you can fix this issue as soon as possible! PLEASE! PLEASE!!! Ana Teresa reported 18 hours I've successfully downloaded a Spotify playlist to my Apple Watch 6, however it won't play it without an internet connection / being near my phone (which defeats the whole point). Please remove the song “Happy Birthday Mamma” from his discography since it’s not his work. Hi it has come to our attention there is a problem with j-hope’s spotify account. I can’t find an answer to this issue, please help!

Need to edit/remove podcasts displayed on Home Screen. Everytime I log in it says the email or password are invalid however,when I try sign in with my email for a new account it says that the email has already been used.

reported 51 minutes There is some issue coming.Latest outage, problems and issue reports in social media: